delicatessen reviews

August 1997

"I know it sucks to make comparisons, but this woman, Simone Grey, sounds like Tori Amos. I remember asking my brother what this would sound like, and he said it would sound like Tori. She did, and I was pleased with her voice. But that's just about all her cd has to offer, unfortunately. Bare Wire's latest release on Eristikos is very unsubstantial, which may be better than overkill, but who knows? It sounds like demos, or an 8 track which was missing 5 or 6 tracks. She's talented, but there's nothing to keep interest besides synthesized strings and occasional muted bass lines to accompany the independence of her voice. Either it's a lounge singing career taking flight or a rerelease to be anticipated. Ciao."
-- Jonathan Itchon

"I must make a mention of the beautiful packaging , innovative too!"
-- Jay Itchon

Compact Disc Services
April 1997

"Each of the tracks is a 1-2 min vignette conjuring an ethereal world featuring just the female vocals, a bit like a Kate Bush style only lower but with as great a range backed by various atmospheric combinations of rippling bass guitar, string synths, piano-like reflections and very little else, the result being songs that are stark, warm, emotional, slightly unnerving, and more. The shortness of the tracks gives you a lot to concentrate on and you find yourself returning to them time after time. Totally won't believe it until you've heard it."

-- Andrew Garibaldi

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eristikös launched bare wire online in April 1996
this page content last updated 3 June 2001
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timestamp October 2020